Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Gabrielle Sue Russell!

Gabby was born at 1:15pm on 7-7-09. She weighed 7 lbs 4 oz and was 19 inches long

Gabby was so anxious to come that I was being given my epidural when she was ready to be born so it's pretty safe to say it was a natural birth!

Typical of most newborns, Gabby just slept and slept!

Benj was amazing and supportive. He sure does love his little girl!

Oh no! There was actually a baby in mom's tummy!
We're not sure Will knew what to think about his new baby sister. He would just point to her and say baby and then go on his way. I guess the true test will be the next couple of weeks!


  1. she is such a cutie! I can't wait to see her again.

  2. She's adorable! Congrats! I'm glad everything went ok... but seriously... you were being GIVEN the epidural?! I hope they're not going to charge you since you didn't use it! ;)

  3. She is so pretty! I'm sad that I didn't get to come with Em to visit! Jax decided to be really tired and grumpy! But I will see you soon! Love you and good job!

  4. Congratulations! She's so tiny and adorable! I can't wait to see her!

  5. Congrats guys!!! i am SOOO excited for y'all having a girl..we love ours! you looked great nat!
